Our Blogs

Goal Setting
Let us pause for a while and view wide before setting our goals in life. Think thick to make the layers thin and catch the real theme easily. Whatever we decide to be in life must not have the poor base of what people around us will like us to be.
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Pause and Plan :- Let us pause for a while and view wide before setting our goals in life. Think thick to make the layers thin and catch the real theme easily. Whatever we decide to be in life must not have the poor base of what people around us will like us to be. Let others go ahead in the race. They may make a mess in the long run. It is always better to have a pause than to have the feeling of guilt for the wrong run. Let us analyse and finalise our goal
Forced Goal :- On the basis of the survival of the fittest, to remain alive on the earth is the first goal by default. The only goal animals have is to survive themselves. Why do we think and wish to have the things beyond our survival? Because we are thinkers and animals are not !
Desired Goal :- What wrong if we desire more than our livelihood? More physical comforts, social recognition and respect. Then, to achieve the highest physical comforts, social recognition and respect must be the common desired goal of mankind. Lacking of which may give a feeling of unhappiness.
Ideal Goal :– To achieve the forced goal that is to strive for the livelihood keeping the principles in centre and senses in control should be the ideal goal of all in general. Physical comforts and social recognition will follow us wagging tails. There is no shortcut to have physical comforts and excellent self image quickly by leaving principles aside. Uncontrolled senses always give unstable happiness. A breeze can cause a fall of a tall tree with weak roots in a wink.
Author- Jignesh N. Diwanji
Value Based Education
What is education? We can say, the activities that impart knowledge and skill is education. Now, let me ask, Why is education necessary? What if one is not educated? And what if one is highly educated?
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What is education? We can say, the activities that impart knowledge and skill is education. Now, let me ask, Why is education necessary? What if one is not educated? And what if one is highly educated?
Did any of our saints whom we remember for years had the highest professional degrees? Then for what do we remember them? What kind of knowledge and skill they had?
They had the highest moral values and ethics; strong will power and control over senses; tremendous tolerance power and heart filled with compassion. They graduated in dedication and devotion and they did their master in selfless love. This is for what we remember them.
What is the scenario at present? We focus on the knowledge and skill which becomes money machine. Get the degree anyhow, earn the money from anywhere and demand the comforts everywhere. We do not want the values because for us they are valueless.
Now, let us have a look at our lives.
A well educated couple travels in an executive car which suddenly strikes an old person and he gets hurt. The car does not stop but speeds up. Where is compassion?
Because we have learnt only passion and not compassion. Our parents educate us and we ignore them when we become independent. Because we have not learnt to pay back but only to take, take and take.
A topper becomes a doctor and sells kidney of his patient. A logical becomes a lawyer and sells lie to save a murderer. A technical becomes an engineer and builds skyscraper using inferior material.
Is this the way we want to live a life? Is this the education we want which takes several lives? Higher education serves no purpose if it teaches the students how to earn a living but not how to live a life.
In conclusion, I will say, academic education can make us only economically independent but can not give us the strength to face the challenges in life. It can not build our character so that we can stand firm and stick to our values. It can not give another Gandhiji who practiced non violence and moved out the Britishers.
Our future is dark without the moral values. That is why we do not want only academic education but value based education.
Author -Jignesh N. Diwanji

The ways we can give our child the best
This is the basic quality of a child. He will ask ‘why’ for every happening as he is new in this world and eager to know all the things and analyse them from his level of mind. But normally, we do not find time to answer all ‘why’s from our busy schedule or do not feel it necessary to reply their all ‘why’s and by that we are missing the best opportunity to our blog feed good things into their mind and not only this, they will not sit quiet but discuss in our blogs will try to satisfy their mental hunger from other sources which may misguide them.
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Try to answer all ‘why’s :-
This is the basic quality of a child. He will ask ‘why’ for every happening as he is new in this world and eager to know all the things and analyse them from his level of mind. But normally, we do not find time to answer all ‘why’s from our busy schedule or do not feel it necessary to reply their all ‘why’s and by that we are missing the best opportunity to feed good things into their mind and not only this, they will not sit quiet but will try to satisfy their mental hunger from other sources which may misguide them.
Give quality time :-
In this fast life, our blogs understood that we can not spare the whole day with the child but whatever time we spend must be qualitative one. We can utilise every moment we spend by interacting with them. If we are going on a picnic, we remain idle during the travelling. our blogs normally, believe that the fun is at the destination and not on the way and we miss the time which even after spending with them remains unproductive. Similarly, in the garden we generally sit on the bench leaving kids to play and not encourage them in their activity or even look at them and again the time passes unproductive. Act well and teach well :- They will imitate our action and not the mere words we say. So, whatever we want to communicate we will have to put our blog in action. Normally, we tell our blog them not to shout but we shout at each other in front of them. We tell them to work hard and we sit in front of TV set.
Always give positive strokes :-
Never use negative words like ‘ you are dull, you will never improve’ as they will penetrate deep into their soft mind and leave strong impression which may lead to severe mental our blog disorder. Instead of it, few positive words like ‘well done, do not worry, you can do, try again, you are smart enough to perform well’, will give them tremendous strength and confidence. Do not miss to appreciate them even for their small deeds and do not scold them in front of others especially their friends.
Show good and blow bad :-
Say what to do instead of saying not to do. To remove bad habits or behaviour, we have to our blog cultivate good habits in parallel with it. Then they themselves will analyse the difference and accept the good automatically kicking off the bad. If they watch the cartoon network through out the day on the TV, let them watch but tell them to watch informative channels also like ‘discovery’ or ‘animal planet’ and after some days we may find them watching the informative channels too.
Author -Jignesh N. Diwanji
Spare The Rod And Care The Child
If we can spare time to explain our kids on the subject matter then we can easily spare the rod. But mostly, we do not have that much time to wait but want instant result. So, instead of explaining the reasons in detail we hold the rod to get it done fast. If they are doing their homework very slowly then what should be the problem to us? But actually, we do not want to remain engage with their homework any longer and at last we use the rod. Of course, we get the result immediately but its adverse effect may last for years. Instead of it we can explain the importance of speed while playing with them.
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Before holding the rod in our hand we must look into the following points:-
Spare Time to Explain
If we can spare time to explain our kids on the subject matter then we can easily spare the rod. But mostly, we do not have that much time to wait but want instant result. So, instead of explaining the reasons in detail we hold the rod to get it done fast. If they are doing their homework very slowly then what should be the problem to us? But actually, we do not want to remain engage with their homework any longer and at last we use the rod. Of course, we get the result immediately but its adverse effect may last for years. Instead of it we can explain the importance of speed while playing with them.
Lack of Patience
Suppose if we have enough time to explain then we may not have that much patience to wait till they understand. We may be short temper by nature and may not be able to tolerate them even for few minutes. If they cry for something and we do not want to satisfy their demand then we explain them in few sentences and take the rod as we can not tolerate their loud noise of crying any more. If we can not explain them anything at that particular moment then just ignore them. Their volume of crying will automatically lower down if they will not get attention.
Use the Rod and Teach Violence
We must check that whether we really want to control the kids by using the rod or it is simply the manifestation of our anger. We can not achieve permanent change in the kids by using the rod as it can change the hardware only and not the software. We will have to change their mind for the permanent result which can only be done by the rod of good thoughts and that also not at the time when they are in violent mood with zero acceptance level but at the play time when they can accept and understand the good thoughts given in the light form like small stories, games etc.. If we use the rod, they will use the same rod to get the things done from their sisters, brothers and friends. Actually, whatever we will give them we will get them back multiplied thousand times.
Self Ego We must check that while beating we may have hidden ego like “If I can not control these little ones then how will I be able to control the rest? They must obey my orders and do as I say”. We may be taking it as a challenge and try to get the result by hook or by crook and at last we hold the rod. Instead of it we can remain firm in our statements. If we do not want to fulfil their particular demand then simply tell them and after that anybody else or they themselves will not be able to fulfil it without our permission. Bear the side effects like crying, shouting etc. but no need to use the rod.
Author -Jignesh N. Diwanji

The Wind (Poem)
The wind can be violent,
The wind can be brutal;
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The wind can be violent,
The wind can be brutal;
The wind can be wild,
The wind can be cruel.
The wind can wind,
The wind can twist;
The wind can hit,
Like a furious beast.
The wind can peep,
From a window hole;
Rushing into the room,
Like a spy in role.
The wind can be kind,
The wind can be mild;
The wind can be humble,
Like a lovely child.
By – Jignesh N. Diwanji
THOUGHTS - The Root of Character and a Tool to Program Mind
Thoughts turn into actions, our blogs repeated actions form a habit and multiple habits our blogs construct a character. Character becomes our blogs the identity of a person. Let us spend some time and think upon the role of our blogs every thought on our blogs character at present.
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Thoughts turn into our blogs actions, repeated actions form a habit and multiple habits construct a character. Character becomes the identity of a person. Let us spend some time and think upon the role of our every thought on our character at present in our blogs.
We are Liberal for Thoughts : A numerous thoughts come and go in our mind incessantly through out the day and night . We do not bother them at all. We think of meditation, talk of meditation and even spend some time for meditation. In the rest of the day, we may not have any check on the flow of thoughts in our blogs.
We have security guards at the entrance of our house but not at the entrance of our mind. We do not permit any unknown or unwanted person to enter into our blogs house but we entertain and pamper any unwanted thought in our mind. We have clear list of the persons to have entry in our blogs house but for thoughts we are polite and liberalin our blogs.
Importance of a Single Thought : We all would have experienced so many times that our sub conscious mind picks up a single thought or desire and reflect it in our dream at night. Every thought leaves a permanent impression upon our mind stuff. These thoughts when multiply forces us to put them in our blogs action. If the thoughts are positive and useful, the similar action is in our blogs initiated. Repeated positive actions form a good habit and welcome new positive thoughts and the cycle goes on. A bundle of positive or useful habits form our character and make our identity.
Draw a Line and Divide the Thoughts Intellectually : We will have to be very careful and intellectual with perfect reasoning while drawing a line between the useful and useless or negative and positive thoughts. We will not be able to leave the habit of smoking cigarette in our blogs or finding faults from others till we keep on justifying them by improper reasoning. When our mind is won and controlled by the senses, intellect becomes helpless. We will have to come out of the pangs of the senses with all our strength and power of good thoughts and think intellectually at least for a moment. Then and then only we will be able to draw a correct line between the right and wrong, useful and useless, and positive and negative.
Take a ‘U’ Turn in a Moment at Will : Once we have become capable of drawing a line between the desired and undesired, we will have to keep our blogs a close watch on our each and every thought. We will have to enhance the security at the entrance of our blogs mind and do a strict screening of thoughts.
The habit of strict screening of thoughts will give a great command over all our blogs habits. Then, we will be able to take a ‘U’ turn in our life at any moment at our will and not a single person or condition in the world can stop us in making a desired great change in our blogs own character.
Author-Jignesh N. Diwanji

If we start our blogs supervising ourself then we will not need a supervisor to supervise us in our blogs for each and every moment on our blogs off the job. Let us study how it works and worth exercising.
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If we start supervising our own self then we will not need a supervisor to supervise us for each and every moment on or off the job. Let us study how it works and worth exercising.
Work For What? :- Do we work only for money? Indeed? If yes, then there will not be the word like ‘job satisfaction’. If one is said to be paid enough for sitting idle at home, will he be able to enjoy his life? Work fulfills our intellectual hunger and feeds our creative human nature. We are the witness of a lot of work which have become the great wonders of the world. In our daily life, every now and then we enjoy the technological innovations but have we ever thought of the inventors or tried to express gratitude to them? In fact, they do not wait for anybody’s greeting. They are the real workers in our blogs
Work For Whom? :- Do we work for our superiors to impress and keep them happy and get promoted? If yes, then we may not be able to give true justice to our work. Our attention and dedication will be limited to a single person and not for the company as a whole. Let us make the in our blogs motive of our work wider and wider from a single person to the company, to the Nation, to the mankind and all creatures in the world. Work will remain the same as before but its value will go on increasing as the motive for work widens. For example, if a teacher teaches keeping in mind that the students whom I teach may be the future prime ministers of India then the work of teaching will be valued a thousand times more.
Work For The Sake Of Work :- Swami Vivekananda has said “Work is worship”. If a cobbler mends a shoe with full involvement, interest and accuracy then he is trying to give his best than any other high ranked person in the society who does not work with passion . A person must be ranked from his quality of work and not the type of work.
Supervise Own Work :- A person with a clear concept of the reasons of doing a work does not need supervision. He will be the best supervisor of his own self. His own intellect and creativeness will drive him work incessantly for his own growth. He knows that if I sit idle even for a minute is direct loss to my own progress and not to the supervisor. He goes on working wherever he is placed and whatever environment he is provided. He does not need any supervisor to impress and get promoted or to judge his work. He will be his own judge and will promote himself day by day through his work. He is not interested in the worldly growth but his own internal growth. He is the master of his own and self supervises his all activities to make himself glow. Let us work together for this noble concept of self supervision and be self supervised and self managed as by that we will be able to spare a lot of manpower involved only in supervision.
(Let us take a suitable funny example here at the end. A house wife starts supervising her maid when she enters home and remains engaged with her till she leaves)
By, Jignesh N. Diwanji
Appreciation: A Magical Art of Communication
Appreciation is an important part and art of communication. It may be the smallest piece of communication but is the piece of diamond which shines in dark.
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Appreciation is an important part and art of communication. It may be the smallest piece of communication but is the piece of diamond which shines in dark.
Appreciation is not boasting:-
The seed of appreciation is a pure and true heart. A selfish, egoistic or ill will seed can not grow with the true feelings of appreciation even if it is nurtured by a degree in management. Of course, a person can act artificially as if he is appreciating but will not be that effective and in the end it will clearly surface out as boasting. So, the plant of appreciation needs a loving, pure and kind heart. Artificial fertilisers can not help if the seed is not proper. Let us assume that we are blessed to have that seed and go ahead.
Appreciate Instantly:-
In fact, there must be a tremendous flow and eagerness to appreciate someone when we really feel so. We must not leave it for the opportunity to come. Instant appreciation values much more than the delayed one. In some cases, the right time appreciation can lift a person from being drowned and bring him back to his normal life. Let us have a relevant example here:
A poor aged man was living alone in a small hut in front of an apartment. He was tired of his loneliness and monotonous life. He lost interest in life and decided to die. He was planning to jump from the terrace of the apartment and end his life. On the way somebody stopped him and said, ” Hey, I wanted to talk to you for last couple of months. It is great that I have found opportunity to talk to you today. I watch your marvellous paintings hanged on your hut wall daily when I pass from there and we have decided to keep an exhibition of your paintings. Will you permit?” The poor man replied, “Sir, If you would have lost a day more to say this; I would not be here to listen you”. The appreciative words at the last moment saved the poor man’s life giving a reason to live. So, let us not wait for the opportunity to come to appreciate.
Appreciate in front of people :-
A person will be more motivated if his small deed is recognised in front of all. If it is not possible somehow or the person is at a distance then we must not miss the chance and make a call or send an e-mail or message appreciating him. We must not forget to appreciate others as it works as the lubricant in a machine.
On the other hand, we must not expect to be appreciated and be self motivated like a machine without lubricant. What a marvellous innovation it would be!!
Author-Jignesh N Diwanji

What a lovely word ‘Harmony’ is. The word itself gives us our blogs the feeling of oneness. So, our blog imagine that only the word has this much power then if we mould our lives keeping our blogs the word ‘Harmony’ in centre, what a peaceful and happy life we will have!
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HARMONY What a lovely word ‘Harmony’ is. The word itself gives us the feeling of oneness. So, we can imagine that only the word has this much power then if we mould our lives keeping the word ‘Harmony’ in centre, what a peaceful and happy life we will have!
Harmony in Music :- In music there are few ‘Surs’ which if we play together will sound like one e.g. ‘Sa’ and ‘Pa’. We will not be easily able to differentiate them as they are so much tuned with each other and are in harmony. There must be harmony within ‘Sur’ and ‘Taal’ without which the music will not become sweet. Similarly, harmony in our life is also very essential to make our life sweet, pleasant and peaceful and the person who has cultivated harmony in his life will automatically spread peace and joy around him.
Harmony within our self :- Before trying to tune with others we will have to tune our own self as internally we are not in harmony how can we establish harmony with others? There must be harmony in our thoughts, speech and deeds. Normally, what we think we do not speak and what we speak we do not do. We think and utter words of virtues but do not have that courage to implement them. We think and expect that our child should always tell the truth but we can not follow it. If something wrong is going on around us, we think and say ‘it is really bad’ but do not have strength to resist it. Hypocrites are doing reverse they think bad and pretend to act well. So, we should be one with our conscience and bring harmony within.
Harmony within our family :- To match our sound with others in family, we must listen to their sound and then tune our self accordingly. But we do not have habit to listen much and even if we listen we stay stubborn on our own generated principles. In music we have to tune our instrument according to the standards. In life also we will have to change our habits to tune with others without sacrificing the ideals. What a wonderful life a harmonious family can live! If we bring harmony within our own self, within a family and within the world then the whole world will become one harmonious family and then what a marvellous music we will be able to listen, the music of everlasting peace and happiness!!
Author-Jignesh N. Diwanji
A Teacher - Foundation of the Nation
In our society, normally, the importance of a person is judged economically. A teacher is the lowest paid employee considering the engineers, doctors, fashion designers and all other professionals. So, a teacher is the least valued among all of them. This may be because the other professions give immediate output while in the education industry the student as a perfect quality product comes out after 21 years. The teachings of the teachers may shine out in long run.
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Importance of a Teacher in the Society –
In our society, normally, the importance of a person is judged economically. A teacher is the lowest paid employee considering the engineers, doctors, fashion designers and all other professionals. So, a teacher is the least valued among all of them. This may be because the other professions give immediate output while in the education industry the student as a perfect quality product comes out after @ 21 years. The teachings of the teachers may shine out in long run.
We put education in the prime priority of the country but the educators remain in the least priority. We must have to enrich and motivate our educators by all means so as to have the quality output.
Importance of a Teacher as an Individual –
A teacher as an individual is a great person who is responsible in building the foundation of our Prime Ministers, IAS officers, scientists, businessmen, social workers and all other reputed personalities.
A teacher when teaches to hundreds and thousands of students in a school must teach with a temperament that s/he is a pioneer of building bright future of the country as s/he is taking classes of the future ideal leaders of the Nation. Nobody at all is even eligible to evaluate or judge or motivate them. Teachers are always self motivated as they love the students and their bright future and nothing else.
A student does not learn only from the words spoken or written on the board but from the minor gestures, behaviour and the whole character of a teacher. An ideal teacher when imparts knowledge and values to a student with full of enthusiasm and dedication, nothing can stop the student to reach to the summit.
We all must salute our teachers and remember them throughout our life.
Author-Jignesh N. Diwanji

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